How important are trade marks to your business?

Oct 30, 2018

Have you considered how important your trade marks are to your business?

Registering your trade marks has many benefits, from protecting your brand, making it easier to deal with infringing goods and services, and adding real value to your business. If you haven’t already done so, here’s why you should think about making an application to register your trade marks today:

Exclusive use of the Trade Mark

A registered trade mark gives you the exclusive right to use the trade mark in Australia for 10 years in relation to particular goods and services.

Value to the business

Registered trade marks can create value for your business. Registered trade marks can be licensed, assigned or sold and can significantly increase the value of your business on sale.

Protection against infringement

Having a registered trade mark makes it quicker, easier and cheaper to stop someone from using an infringing mark in relation to the same goods and services.

You won’t infringe third party IP

Having a registered trade mark is a defence to an allegation that your trade mark infringes third party IP rights.


Businesses developing an IP strategy and searching the IP Australia database of registered marks are unlikely to adopt a mark similar to your registered trade mark in relation to similar goods and services.

Cooperation from third parties

Third parties (such a Google, Facebook and even Australian Customs) are much more likely to cooperate with owners of registered trade marks in relation to trade mark infringement.

Want to know more? Contact Malcolm Brown or Natalie Lasek.